Jan 22, 2009


* 1619   first african slaves brought to united states

*1650-1800 : around 6.6 milion african forcibly made in work 

* 1800's :first black code started limiting rights and liberties of afro american

*1861 : the slave owning south secede.civil war begins;

*1865: war ends,the 13th ammendement to us constitition outlaws slavery.

*1865-1950: discrimination continue and thus violence segergation against blacks.

*1865: KU KLUX KLAN,a voilent white supremecist secret society is founded.

*1950-60's : huge surge of protest against discrimination,race shots in 110 u.s cities.

*1955 :ROSA PARKS, a black activist sparks a missmovement by refusing to give up her seats to white person in an alabam bus.rise of MARTIN LUTHER KING,a charismatic civil rights leader

*1963: registration campaign to enroll black votes in sparks violence,over 3,00,000 people march to washigton demanding equal rights
MARTIN LUTHER KING  delivers "i have a dream" speech.

*1963 : radical black leader MALCOLM X shot dead.he adopted islam inspired several blacks including MUHAMMAD ALI to convert.

* 1964-67: civil rights act signed.voting rights act,1965 gives equal right to all. ban on interracial  marraiges goes in 

*1967: racism in all forms abolished. thurgood marshal afro american to supreme court.

*1968: MARTIN LUTHER KING was assasinated.

*1989:COLIN POWELL first afro american  to head united states armed foreces.later first black secretary of state.

*november 5,2008: OBAMA becomes first afro american to be elected president

* january 20,2009: united states gets its first black president as OBAMA sworn in.

P.S: chaala kastapadi info gather chesa..,emina thappulu untey excuse me.

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